
Insightful Words: 51 Best Chris Brown Quotes

Chris Brown, the Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, and dancer, has left a memorable mark on the music industry. His impactful quotes resonate with fans and music enthusiasts alike, offering valuable insights into life, love, and success. Brown’s words are not only empowering but also reflective of his personal journey, making them a source of inspiration for many. With a blend of wisdom, passion, and resilience, his quotes serve as a reminder of the power of positivity and determination in overcoming obstacles.

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Chris Brown Quotes

1- “Bad things are always going to happen in life; People will eventually hurt you, but you can’t use that as an excuse to hurt someone back.”

2- “Unity is what we are afraid of so fear is insanity. Let’s love each other”

3- “Even when my world’s falling down, I still wear a smile.”

4- “I used to feel so shy speaking to girls. It was even worse when they were around their crew because they would diss me.”

5- “People change, things go wrong. Just remember, life goes on”

Chris Brown Quotes

6- “Never assume you know what’s going on in someone’s life, unless you heard it straight from the source”

7- “So please don’t judge me and I won’t judge you ’cause it could get ugly before it gets beautiful.”

8- “If you’re not happy being single, you’ll never be happy in a relationship. Get your own life, then share it”

9- “A relationship is not based on the length of time you spent together. It’s based on the foundation you built together.”

10- “You start to live, when a moment feels like a lifetime.”

11- “I think the key is basically just your determination. As far an artist is concerned, it’s just about your drive and your dream.”

Chris Brown Quotes

12- “Me and my people do it big out in public, ’cause if you don’t do it big, you ain’t doing nothing”

13- “There’s never a right time to say goodbye. But I gotta make the first move ’cause if I don’t you’re gonna start hating me”

14- “If I had a moment, I’d capture that moment. You’d be right here next to me.”

Chris Brown Quotes

15- “To be the best you must beat the best.”

16- “Listen to your heart. Girl you know we should be apart. Baby I just can’t do it, and sometimes it makes me wanna cry.”

17- “Since I’m always working, my best holiday memories are definitely when I can just go home and spend time with my family.”

18- “Everywhere that I’ve been, the only thing I see is beautiful people”

19- “I ain’t afraid to drown if that means I’m deep up in your ocean”

Chris Brown Quotes

20- “One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, four. Hope you come back for more.”

21- “People who make mistakes and learn from them are role models too. I’m just happy to inspire growth and positivity.”

22- “Never let a couple of good memories make you move backwards. Look ahead and move on”

23- “I always imagined I could be what I wanted to be.”

24- “There’s never a right time to say goodbye.”

25- “You are the fans, sit back and watch. That’s all you’re doing anyway.”

26- “You are my greatest gift and I seal it with a kiss.”

27- “My story, or my life or my legacy can hopefully show [fans] that once you’re down, that doesn’t mean you’re down forever. You never let up.”

28- “You can’t be old and wise if you were never young and crazy.”

Chris Brown Quotes

29- “With dates I like to cater a girl. We do whatever she likes. If she was open to what I wanted to do, it probably wouldn’t be a dull date, because I am a jock.”

30- “I don’t know … but I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control.”

31- “You start to live when a moment feels like a lifetime”

32- “You got that smile that only heaven can make.”

33- “Having the right people around you all the time is important. I do take the acting seriously. But this is all fun. I look at it like smoke and mirrors. I still think it’s a dream, but I ain’t pinching myself yet.”

34- “You can’t be old and wise, if you were never young and crazy.”

35- “Follow your dreams. Just make sure to have fun too”

36- “Loving is doing anything for them, thinking about them constantly and being able to spend your whole life with that person. Liking somebody is just like, ‘Okay, I like them because of this, this and this, but I don’t knkow if I am ready to be in love with them’.”

37- “If I had the minutes, I would turn ‘em into hours and make love to your mind not your body instead”

38- “I want to meet someone who doesn’t already think they know me”

Chris Brown Quotes

39- “I love sneakers on a girl. I don’t know why, but I guess it’s because I’m still a young. I really like just like a girl who has style – a girl who does her own thing, is unique in what she’s wearing and works what she’s got.”

40- “There’s never a right time to say goodbye. But I gotta make the first move ’cause if I don’t you’re gonna start hating me.”

41- “A man’s attire is only an outward projection of his inward self.”

42- “Jesus didn’t die on the cross to BLESS our life, He did it to CHANGE our life.”

43- “Amplify your life, not status. Trust no one. There is always a plot and motive”

Chris Brown Quotes

44- “Body is a blessing; ain’t no second guessing”

45- “Haters keep on hating, cause somebody’s gotta do it.”

46- “You’ll regret the day when I find another girl”

47- “To be the best you have to beat the best”

Chris Brown Quotes

48- “I can’t hate people for making judgment on me, or making a decision of liking me or not liking me. All I can do is try to better as a person. And I’m good with knowing everything isn’t always going to be perfect.”

49- “Whether it be personal or musical, I just think Im a walking art piece, just a ball of creativity.”

50- “Gratitude is the key that unlocks wonder.”

51- “It’s hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.”

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