
Best 32 MG Quotes – Legacies

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MG. It is an abbreviation of Milton Gladstone. MG. A vampire attending the Salvatore Boarding School. We made a list of MG Quoted from Legacies Tv Show

1- “Wade, I don’t actually like playing D&D. Just because I read comics books doesn’t mean I have no dignity at all. And, Jed, that’s not my job to make you feel better about being a jerk. So, no, apology not accepted. I should do this a lot more often.” – MG

2- “I know this tone of voice. Please tell me what you’re getting ready to do.” – MG

3- “You’ve multiplied – like gremlins.” – MG

4- “Yeah, but in a gentlemanly way.” – MG

5- “I’m a terrible detective too, but not half bad at picking locks.” – MG

6- “I don’t really drink like that.” – MG

7- “I’m reading the instructions!” – MG

8- “I think you’ve got banging… self-esteem.” – MG

9- “I know how we can stop it but you’re going to hate it.” – MG

10- “Hey, I’m sure you look great. No need to stress. I have an amazing pool day planned for us.” – MG

11- “I sort of accidentally made [Lizzie] think she was having a psychotic break.” – MG

12- “Gorgons gonna gorgon.” – MG

13- “Um, he says that you have to be on, like, the same spiritual wavelength.” – MG

14- “Are we alive? Did we win?” – MG

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15- “He wants us to find his body. He says he’s been desiccated in a box somewhere. He’s a little vague on specifics.” – MG

16- “Dracula as a novel has only retained relevance in modern times because of our patriarchal culture’s obsession with the idea of a privileged, powerful man who does whatever he wants with absolute impunity, meaning we spent weeks in this class analyzing the literary value of a character who abuses consent in every way possible.” – MG

17- “Landon pulled his groin combing his hair once.” – MG

18- “Sometimes. Lizzie went through this vegan phase, and she just got me thinking.” – MG

19- “If that’s supposed to be an apology, it sucks.” – MG

20- “Ain’t got nothing to do with bunny blood. It’s just heavy.” – MG

21- “The only way I’m leaving this place is dead with a stake in my heart. Or when I graduate. Hopefully it’s when I graduate.” – MG

22- “To kill a walker, you gotta go for the brain. Everybody knows that.” – MG

23- “If it’s anything like the movies, we just grab and pull.” – MG

24- “My first hero thank you! Accepted. Up, up, and away!” – MG

25- “No, you leave my Nana be. Don’t nobody need to be whupped by Nana right now.” – MG

26- “I’m serious. Something clicked while I was taking out those zombies. It felt right inside, like that was the real me.” – MG

27- “You’re lucky I respect women and that I shun all forms of toxic masculinity or else you and I would be throwing down right now, even if you can kick my ass.” – MG

28- “Look my way. I’ll catch it.” – MG

29- “So are dragons and gargoyles.” – MG

30- “You’re lucky that I’m still talking to you after that stunt you pulled last night, kissing me like that.” – MG

31- “You’re friends with Dana, right?” – MG

32- “Actually Batwoman doesn’t have a Robin.” – MG

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