Looking for the best Jerry Seinfeld quotes from the iconic TV show Seinfeld? Look no further! We’ve curated a list of the top 31 Jerry Seinfeld quotes that will make you laugh out loud. From his witty observations about everyday life to his hilarious take on relationships and social norms, these quotes showcase Seinfeld’s comedic genius.
Jerry Seinfeld Quotes
1- “You know the message you’re sending out to the world with these sweatpants? You’re telling the world, ‘I give up. I can’t compete in normal society. I’m miserable, so I might as well be comfortable.’”
2- “Look to the cookie, Elaine!”
3- “Hunger will make people do amazing things. I mean, the proof of that is cannibalism.”

4- “Why do I always have the feeling that everybody’s doing something better than me on Saturday afternoons?”
5- “All of a sudden it hit me, I realized what the problem is: I can’t be with someone like me. I hate myself! If anything, I need to get the exact opposite of me. It’s too much. It’s too much, I can’t take it. I can’t take it…”
6- “Elaine, breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push; you gotta rock it back and forth a few times and then it goes over.”
7- “What’s the deal with lampshades? I mean if it’s a lamp, why do you want shade?”
8- “What is it about sleep that makes you so thirsty? Do dreams require liquid? It’s not like I’m running a marathon, I’m just lying there.”
9- “Who goes on vacation without a job? What do you need a break from getting up at eleven?”
10- “The appeal of the posse? The posse has tremendous appeal. Get away from the job, camp out, you’re with your friends….Come on, it’s a week-long game of hide-and-seek on horseback. “
11- “People don’t turn down money! It’s what separates us from the animals.”

12- “Salad! What was I thinking? Women don’t respect salad eaters.”
13- “What could possess anyone to throw a party? I mean, to have a bunch of strangers treat your house like a hotel room.”
14- “Sex, that’s meaningless, I can understand that, but dinner; that’s heavy. That’s like an hour.”
15- “What is it about sleep that makes you so thirsty? Do dreams require liquid? It’s not like I’m running a marathon, I’m just lying there.”
16- “Did you know that the original title for War and Peace was War, What Is It Good For?”
17- “People on dates shouldn’t even be allowed out in public.”
18- ” I don’t get it. Not allowed to ask a Chinese person where the Chinese restaurant is! I mean, aren’t we all getting a little too sensitive? I mean, someone asks me which way’s Israel, I don’t fly off the handle.”
19- “I can’t go to a bad movie by myself. What, am I gonna make sarcastic remarks to strangers?”

20- “I don’t even care about cops. I wanna see more garbage men. It’s much more important. All I wanna see are garbage trucks, garbage cans and garbage men. You’re never gonna stop crime, we should at least be clean.”
21- “Elaine, breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push; you got to rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over.”
22- “Salad! What was I thinking? Women don’t respect salad eaters.” – Jerry
23- “That’s the true spirit of Christmas; people being helped by people other than me.”
24- “You can’t believe this woman. She’s one of those low-talkers. You can’t hear a word she’s saying! You’re always going ‘excuse me?’, ‘what was that?’”
25- “Breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push; you got to rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over.”
26- “Do you think it’s effeminate for a man to put clothes in a gentle cycle?”
27- “What is this obsession people have with books? They put them in their houses—like they’re trophies. What do you need it for after you read it?”

28- “People don’t turn down money! It’s what separates us from the animals.”
29- “Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don’t stare at it. It’s too risky. Ya get a sense of it and then you look away.”
30- “Why do I always have the feeling that everybody’s doing something better than me on Saturday afternoons?”
31- “What is this obsession people have with books? They put them in their houses—like they’re trophies. What do you need it for after you read it?”