Explore the top 30 iconic quotes from the classic movie Ben-Hur (1959). Immerse yourself in the profound and memorable lines that have captivated audiences for generations. Relive the epic tale through these timeless words of wisdom.
One of the classic works of cinema history, this epic film by William Wyler won eleven Oscars at the Academy Awards.
Ben-Hur Quotes
1- “In his eagerness to save you, your God has also saved the Roman fleet.”– Quintus Arrius, ‘Ben-Hur’.
2- “Your eyes are full of hate, forty-one. That’s good. Hate keeps a man alive. It gives him strength.”– Quintus Arrius, ‘Ben-Hur’.
3- “You can break a man’s skull, you can arrest him, you can throw him into a dungeon. But how do you control what’s up here? How do you fight an idea?”– Sextus, ‘Ben-Hur’.
4- “Sextus, you ask how to fight an idea. Well I’ll tell you how… with another idea!” – Messala, ‘Ben-Hur’.
5- “One God, that I can understand; but one wife? That is not civilized. It is not generous!”– Sheik Ilderim, ‘Ben-Hur’.
6- “By condemning without hesitation an old friend, I shall be feared.” – Messala, ‘Ben-Hur’.
7- “A grown man knows the world he lives in. For the moment, that world is Rome.” – Pontius Pilate, ‘Ben-Hur’.
8- “- Messala: Judah, either you help me or you oppose me, you have no other choice. You’re either for me or against me!
– Judah Ben-Hur: If that is the choice, then I am against you.” – ‘Ben-Hur’.
9- “- Messala: By what magic do you bear the name of a Consul of Rome?
– Judah Ben-Hur: You were the magician, Messala. When my ship was sunk, I saved the Consul’s life.” – ‘Ben-Hur’.
10-“- Judah Ben-Hur: If you were not a bride, I would kiss you goodbye.
– Esther: If I were not a bride, there would be no goodbyes to be said.” – ‘Ben-Hur’.
11- “I’ve seen too much what hate can do. My father is burned up with it. But I’ve heard of a young rabbi who says that forgiveness is greater and love more powerful than hatred. I believe it.” –Esther, ‘Ben-Hur’.
12- “There’s also a wild man in the desert named John the Baptist and a young carpenter’s son who goes around doing magic tricks, miracles they call them…This man is different. He teaches that God is near, in every man. It’s actually quite profound, some of it.”– Sextus, ‘Ben-Hur’.
13- “Do not pity me, Master Judah. In fact, I’m twice the man I was. There’s Mallet, my other half. We met in the dungeons at the citadel. We were released on the same day, Mallet without a tongue and I without life in my legs. Since then, I have been his tongue and he has been my legs. Together, we make a considerable man.” –Simonides, ‘Ben-Hur’.
14- “[to Judah] The Star of David, will shine out for your people and my people together and blind the eyes of Rome.” – Sheik Ilderim, ‘Ben-Hur’.
15- “One wife? One God, that I can understand – but one wife! That is not civilized. It is not generous.” – Sheik Ilderim, ‘Ben-Hur’.
16- “[to Judah] You have the spirit to fight back but the good sense to control it. Your eyes are full of hate, Forty-One. That’s good. Hate keeps a man alive. It gives him strength.” – Quintus Arrius, ‘Ben-Hur’.
17- “[to Judah] I wanted your help. Now you have given it to me. By making this example of you, I discourage treason. By condemning, without hesitation, an old friend, I shall be feared.” – Messala, ‘Ben-Hur’.
18- “It’s an insane world, but in it there’s one sanity, the loyalty of old friends. Judah, we must believe in one another.” – Messala, ‘Ben-Hur’.
19- “Be wise, Judah. It’s a Roman world. If you want to live in it, you must become part of it…I tell you, Judah, it’s no accident that one small village on the Tiber was chosen to rule the world…It wasn’t just our legions…No, it was fate that chose us to civilize the world – and we have. Our roads and our ships connect every corner of the earth, Roman law, architecture, literature are the glory of the human race.” – Messala, ‘Ben-Hur’.
20- “You may conquer the land, you may slaughter the people. That is not the end. We will rise again.” –Judah Ben-Hur, ‘Ben-Hur’.
21- “Rome is an affront to God. Rome is strangling my people and my country and the whole earth, but not forever. I tell you, the day Rome falls, there will be a shout of freedom such as the world has never heard before.” –Judah Ben-Hur, ‘Ben-Hur’.
22- “Find them, Messala. Restore them to me and I’ll forget what I vowed with every stroke of that oar you chained me to.”-Judah Ben-Hur, ‘Ben-Hur’.
23- “[to Messala] May God grant me vengeance. I pray that you live till I return.” –Judah Ben-Hur, ‘Ben-Hur’.
24- “In the year of our Lord, Judea, for nearly a century, had lain under the mastery of Rome. In the seventh year of the reign of Augustus Caesar, an imperial decree ordered every Judean each to return to his place of birth to be counted and taxed. The converging ways of many of them led to the gates of their capital city, Jerusalem, the troubled heart of their land. The old city was dominated by the fortress of Antonia, the seat of Roman power, and by the great golden temple, the outward sign of an inward and imperishable faith. Even while they obeyed the will of Caesar, the people clung proudly to their ancient heritage, always remembering the promise of their prophets that one day there would be born among them a redeemer to bring them salvation and perfect freedom.” –Narrator, ‘Ben-Hur’.
25- “One wife only… it is not generous!”– Sheik Ilderim, ‘Ben-Hur’.
26- “It is as though you have become Messala!” – Esther, ‘Ben-Hur’.
27- “Are they still alive?” -Drusus, ‘Ben-Hur’.
28- “Now listen to me, all of you. You are all condemned men. We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well, and live.”
29- “-Arrius: What is your name, Forty-One?
-Judah: [pause] Judah Ben-Hur.
-Arrius: Judah Ben-Hur… Let me die.
-Judah: [repeating Arrius’ words on board the galleys] We keep you alive to serve this ship. Row well and live.” -‘Ben-Hur’.
30- “-Miriam: [about Jesus] As though he were carrying in that cross the pain of the world.
-Tirzah: So fearful, and yet why is it? I’m not afraid any more.” -‘Ben-Hur’