“The Good Fight” is a popular television series that serves as a spin-off and sequel to the critically acclaimed legal drama, “The Good Wife.” The show follows the professional and personal lives of Diane Lockhart, played by Christine Baranski, and other lawyers at a prestigious Chicago law firm. Set in the current political climate, the series delves into relevant social issues and explores the challenges faced by lawyers in the modern era.
The Good Fight Quotes
1- Diane Lockhart: “Bad things happen to good people.”
2- Marissa : “You can come to my house for Pesach this year. We’ll even hide a few Easter eggs for you.”
3- Diane Lockhart: “Truth only takes you that far, and then you need lies”
4- Lucca : “When you’re in trouble, call Elsbeth.”
5- Diane : “We’re on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent, and people I thought were saints, they weren’t. That’s why you don’t go on instinct. You wait, you listen, and watch. Eventually, everyone reveals themselves.”
6- Adrian Boseman : “We all know we get close to the line sometimes. Now, we try to stay on the right side of the law. You want to be a good lawyer, you need to get close to that line.”
7- Adrian Boseman : “Your algorithm’s not taking into account that I’m a f*****g good lawyer.”
8- Adrian Boseman : “Diane, we don’t want you to beat us. I would much rather you help us beat them.”
9- Adrian Boseman : “We’re in the midst of expanding. You could be our diversity hire.”
10- Diane Lockhart: “Life has a way of reminding you of who you are.”
11- Diane Lockhart: “People I thought with all my heart were guilty, turned out to be innocent. And people I thought were saints, they weren’t. That’s why you don’t go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually, everyone reveals themselves.”
12- Madeline Starkey : “In my experience, whenever somebody says “the truth is” that usually means it’s not.”
13- Madeline Starkey : “The mind has an odd way of turning wishful thinking into actual memories.”
14- Diane Lockhart: “It’s always good to talk to a dinosaur. Reminds me how much things have changed.”
15- Diane : “People can lie and still be telling the truth. Nobody’s 100% of any one thing.”
16- Diane Lockhart: “The world has gone insane. The news is satire, it’s not real. The people blowing up grizzly bears have been put in charge of grizzly bears.”
17- Diane Lockhart: “Hope. When everything slips away, there is that.”
18- Diane Lockhart: “You’re a clown. What’s worse is you’re a smart clown who occasionally has a point, a point you destroy by mixing it up with racism and misogyny you probably don’t even believe. When you were little, someone rejected you or made fun of you, and now you get to be one of the mean guys, making fun of others.”
19- Roland Blum : “I’m always suspicious when liberals use the word humanity.”
20- Adrian Boseman : “Here’s the problem with power. You got to take it from somebody to give it to somebody else.”
21- Diane Lockhart: “I was just thinking about Watergate. How history repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce, third as porn.”
22- Diane Lockhart: “It’s all right that the world is crazy, as long as I make my little corner of the world sane.”
23- Roland Blum : “As attorneys, we are not finders of fact. We are tellers of story.”
24- Diane Lockhart: “People get desperate when they’re lonely.”
25- Roland Blum : “The truth is what you make it. You build the facts into the truth that serves your purpose. If it stops serving your purpose, you rebuild it into something else. That’s what keeps you from being a slave to how people define you. That’s how you become your own person. You define what truth is.”
26- Roland Blum : “Stories beat facts every time.”
27- Adrian Boseman : “The only constant is the law. Everybody running around out there doing God knows what. The only constant we have is the law.”