
Leonardo DiCaprio Unscripted: 100 Quotes to Live By

Leonardo DiCaprio Unscripted

Discover 100 inspiring quotes from renowned actor Leonardo DiCaprio. From his most memorable lines to his insightful wisdom, explore a collection of quotes that capture the essence of living life to the fullest.

Leonardo DiCaprio Quotes

‘”My friends, this body – perhaps more than any other gathering in human history – now faces that difficult task.”‘,

‘”I think sexiness in most people – and this is going to sound superficial – is definitely something you do not plan.”‘,

‘”I never thought I could travel unless I had a wife or someone to share it with. You do not necessarily need that, but I am the type of person that wants to share a lot.”‘

‘”This created world really helped me as an actor. It heightened everything, which made it more dangerous, more interesting and more liberating.”‘

‘“I’ve changed. You can’t help it. Your mind starts working in a different way. You feel really scrutinized by people.”’

‘“I got attention by being funny at school, pretending to be retarded, and jumping around with a deformed hand.”’

‘“Acting is the only time when I truly maintain the spontaneity that I want to be present at all times.”’

‘“I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You don’t know what hand your gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you… to make each day count.”’

‘ “When I can’t immediately define the character, and there’s an element of mystery to it and still a lot to be explored, that’s when I say yes.”’

‘“It’s easy to be an expert if you’re the only one in the world with an interest.”’

‘“I like to be able to play a character and act out a lot of things that I can’t or don’t do in my normal everyday life.”’

‘“I’m not really the quiet type, although some people think I am. But I’m the rebel type in the sense that I don’t think I’m like everyone else. I try to be an individual.”’

‘“If you’re gonna let the character be the story, you better set a tone that allows the actors to do the best work they can do.”’

‘“I’m not a big dreamer. I never have been. I remember fragments of my dream, and I try to take a traditional sort of approach to researching this project and doing preparation for it.”’

‘“I really hate relaxing. I’ve done three movies in a row, worked for two years straight, and to me, idle time is the devil’s workshop. I like to focus on something.”’

‘“I’ve managed to keep a clear head and remain sane in this business because I remain a kid off-camera.”’

‘“I didn’t know what types of movies I wanted to do. I want to do things that are different. I want to take my time with each role.”’

‘“I’m 97% sure you don’t like me. But I’m 100% sure i don’t care.” ‘

‘“I’m not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I’m definitely an individual.”’

‘“Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.” ‘

‘“As a young boy, I was obsessed with endangered species and the extinct species that men killed off. Biology was the subject in school that I was incredibly passionate about.”’

‘”I prefer ordinary girls – you know, college students, waitresses, that sort of thing. Most of the girls I go out with are just good friends. Just because I go out to the cinema with a girl, it does not mean we are dating.””‘

‘”I have to say as an actor I have been inspired by so many British actors throughout the years.”‘

‘“Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever.” ‘

‘“What I really wanted was to travel and see all the different animals that were on the verge of extinction.” ‘

‘“Enough is enough. The truth is our planet’s alarm is now going off and it’s time to wake up and take action.”’

‘“When I was young, I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything. I used to think, ‘How can I die without seeing every inch of this world?’”’

‘“I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone.”’

‘“You do need parental guidance and I was in a great position with both my mum and dad. They split when I was a baby but even though I stayed with my mom they were both very much involved in my upbringing.”’

‘“My mom, Irmelin, taught me the value of life. Her own life was saved by my grandmother during World War II.”’

‘“Brothers don’t necessarily have to say anything to each other – they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.”’

‘“My mother is a walking miracle.” ‘

‘”The role of Rimbaud is one of the most important roles to play for a young actor.”‘

‘”At first I thought I would have to put on an English accent and try a sort of affected Shakespeare thing.”‘

‘”You do need parental guidance and I was in a great position with both my mum and dad. They split when I was a baby but even though I stayed with my mom they were both very much involved in my upbringing.”‘

‘”One of my passions is to meet people and then imitate them. I love doing that.”‘

‘“Being dubbed as a hunk sort of annoys me. It gives me a yucky feeling.”’

‘“I prefer ordinary girls – you know, college students, waitresses, that sort of thing. Most of the girls I go out with are just good friends. Just because I go out to the cinema with a girl, it doesn’t mean we are dating.”’

‘”For the economy itself will die if our ecosystems collapse.”‘

‘“With Romeo and Juliet, you’re talking about two people who meet one night, and get married the same night. I believe in love at first sight-but it hasn’t happened to me yet.”’

‘”To put a lot of hard work and effort into a project or character and for it to be recognised, how can it not be nice?”‘

‘“I’ve never been Romeo who meets a girl and falls for her immediately. It’s been a much slower process for me each time I’ve gone into a relationship.”’

‘”We must all move shoulder to shoulder in a unified front to show this administration that the true majority of people are willing to vote for a cleaner environment and wont back down.”‘

‘”I know a lot of the intense moments in Titanic were made that much easier and were pushed to even further limits because of that relationship.”‘

‘“Anyone I’m with has to give me freedom. I like to be with someone who has character and style and someone who is very understanding.”’

‘”And now it is your turn – the time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet is now.”‘,
‘”I just happen to think people are better off doing something they actually like.”‘

‘“I don’t see why I can’t have friends of both sexes without wild rumors being circulated. It’s crazy.”’

‘”We are facing a tipping point of environmental crisis unprecedented in human history and our very survival is dependent on protecting nature.”‘

‘”I feel a moral obligation to speak out at this key moment in human history – it is a moment for action.”‘

‘“To believe in love, to be ready to give up anything for it, to be willing to risk your life for it, is the ultimate tragedy.”’

‘”I suppose playing an older man is a way of preparing myself for getting older.”‘

‘“97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who never gave up.” ‘

‘”Climate change is severely impacting the health of our planet and all of its inhabitants, and we must transition to a clean energy economy that does not rely on fossil fuels.”‘

‘”When a role for a young guy is being offered to me, I think of River Phoenix. It feels like a loss.”‘,
‘“To join the top 1% you have to do what the 99% won’t.”’

‘”I got attention by being funny at school, pretending to be retarded, and jumping around with a deformed hand.”‘

‘“I want to be a jerk like the rest of my friends, and have fun, and not care about the consequences, but I just can’t now.”’

‘”Acting is the only time when I truly maintain the spontaneity that I want to be present at all times.”‘,
‘”I have never been a fashionista or someone who puts a lot of thought into what I wear, and I dress to be as comfortable as I possibly can.”‘

‘“My career should adapt to me. Fame is like a VIP pass wherever you want to go.”’

‘”What I really wanted was to travel and see all the different animals that were on the verge of extinction.”‘

‘“If you have done the very best you can. worrying won’t make it any better. if you want to be successful, respect one rule.” ‘

‘”If you are gonna let the character be the story, you better set a tone that allows the actors to do the best work they can do.”‘

‘“Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me, I don’t know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I’m a weirdo.” ‘

‘”Portraying emotionally ill characters gives me the chance to really act.”‘

‘“If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.”’

‘”You can either be a vain movie star, or you can try to shed some light on different aspects of the human condition.”‘

‘“I’ve always been spontaneous and outgoing… I’ve tried lots of things so I’ve got some good life experiences, which is great ’cause it means I’ve got lots of material to work with as an actor.”’

‘”I will fly around the world doing good for the environment.”‘

‘“Don’t think for a moment that I’m really like any of the characters I’ve played. I’m not. That’s why it’s called ‘acting’.”’

‘”It is easy to fall into the trap of believing all the hype that is written about you… Who knows? In a couple of years, you might find me in the loony bin!”‘

‘“The best thing about acting is that I get to lose myself in another character and actually get paid for it… It’s a great outlet. I’m not really sure who I am – it seems I change every day.” ‘

‘”It is a tough thing-you get in a situation where you feel you have to be perfect all the time and it sucks.””‘

‘“The good thing about acting is that it always keeps you on your toes… It’s not like any other job where you can go in and do the same thing as yesterday.” ‘

‘”As we progress into the twenty-first century, anyone who considers themselves a realist will have to make the environment a top priority.”‘

‘“I’ve been planted here to be a vessel for acting… That’s why I’m really taking any part, regardless of how complicated it’s going to be.”’

‘”Dark green is my favorite color. It is the color of nature and the color of money and the color of moss!”‘

‘“Portraying emotionally ill characters gives me the chance to really act.”’

‘“I just want to keep doing what I’m doing and hopefully people will watch my movies.”’

‘”Protecting our future on this planet depends on the conscious evolution of our species.”‘

‘”Honored delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend for a living.”‘

‘”Mother Earth is hurting. And she needs a generation of thoughtful, caring and active kids like all of you to protect her for the future.”‘

‘”Meryl Streep does things I would never have thought possible… Her presence on screen is outstanding.”‘

‘”Most of the time I just keep to myself. I think like what it would be like to be… someone else.”‘

‘I have just got to maintain my passion for what I do.’

‘We only get one planet.’

‘”Subconscious is motivated by emotion, right? Not reason.”‘

‘”You see, I think negative emotions are always trumped by positive emotions.”‘

‘”Love is a sudden revelation: a kiss is always a discovery”‘

‘”A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.”‘

‘”Sometimes I wonder will God ever forgive us for what we have done to each other? Then I look around and I realize God left this place a long time ago.”‘

‘”If we do not act together, we will surely perish.”‘

‘”People want you to be a crazy, out-of-control teen brat. They want you miserable, just like them. They do not want heroes; what they want is to see you fall.”‘

‘”To believe in love, to be ready to give up anything for it, to be willing to risk your life for it, is the ultimate tragedy.”‘

‘”I like girls who are intelligent, somewhat funny, and pretty with a nice personality.”‘

‘”Sometimes you hve got to go to the wrong place just to show that you are not afraid to go there.”‘

‘”Dreams feel real while we are in them. It is only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.”‘

‘”You can make history, or you will be vilified by it.”‘

‘”If you can do what you do best and be happy, you are further along in life than most people.”‘

‘There is no element of genius without some form of madness.’

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