
45 Best Big Mouth Quotes – Tv Series

Big Mouth hormone monster quotes

Big Mouth Quotes: “Big Mouth” is an American animated sitcom created by Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin, and Jennifer Flackett. The show first premiered on Netflix in 2017 and has gained a significant following for its humorous and honest portrayal of adolescence and puberty.

“Big Mouth” follows a group of middle school students as they navigate the ups and downs of puberty, exploring topics such as hormonal changes, sexual awakening, relationships, and self-discovery. The show uses anthropomorphic hormone monsters, played by Nick Kroll and Maya Rudolph, to personify the characters’ inner struggles and desires.

Big Mouth Quotes

Maury: So let me get this straight, you can’t jerk off to Missy, and you can’t jerk off to NOT Missy, what the hell are you gonna jerk off to?

Nick : Jessi, I loved it. A few small thoughts. You sang great. The breath in here is… it’s terrible.

Guy Bilzerian: Love is dead, so let’s bury the body together

Andrew: This place looks like the Holocaust Museum.

Lola Skumpy:  “Clip, clop I’m a little show pony!”

Big Mouth gay quotes

“Wow, ok a lot to process, on the one hand we get to watch porn but on the other we might have to eat cum but on the third hand I’m looking at prepubescent Nick and I don’t think his frosting factory is open for business yet but on the forth hand that fucker punched you in the face so he can eat a dick and a jizzcuit”

Lola Skumpy: “We’re wearing a ton of hairspray, you psycho!”

Daniel: This is a witch hunt just like the crucible, all I wanted was a blowjob at a high school party, is that such a crime?

Lola: “The waters hot, and slick as shit.”

“A button-up shirt?” “You mean a gaping butthole and 10 clits?”

Big Mouth hormone monster quotes

Lola: “Ohhhmygawwwduhhhhh”

Tell him to send a dick pic, girls love that, especially when it comes out of nowhere with like zero context”

Big Mouth Funny Quotes

Maury:  Good night, you prince of Westchester, you king of the tri-state area.

Lola: “That is clitorally my clit!”


Big Mouth lola quotesCoach Steve: Oh don’t worry about it Nick, opinions are like assholes; keep them away from your basketballs

Lola: “Yeah, we’re wearing a ton of hairspray, you psycho!” 

Lola: “I will bash your brain into a smoothie and drink your thoughts!”


Matthew: Ugh, I can’t believe I’m in the seventh grade and already over high school. These fucking people

Maury:  Look, I know this all seems embarrassing right now but maybe one day, you’ll look back on this time fondly and perhaps even make something beautiful out of it.

Big Mouth quotes

Lola: “Squirt squirt, step into it, CHOMP CHOMP!””

Hormone Monsrtess: “Hello my precious, little ravioli.”

“There’s another slit in the back but that’s only for my birthdays”

Lola: “Oh my God, he’s sooooo deep.”


lola big mouth quotes

“We’re going to clear more cookies than a fat kid at a birthday party.”

Coach Steve: “Woah, lucky me! Free shards of glass!”

Lola: Just like 9/11, I’ll never forget, Osama bin rubbin!”

Lola: “I’m lesbians with my mom.” 

Hormone Monsrtess: “Because I don’t use deodorant and I only take bubble baths.”

lola from big mouth quotes 2

Maury: Hey before we start, I want you boys to meet my fiancé Candace. She’s absolutely perfect. I mean the only downside is the dick splinters

Coach Steve: I gotta be honest with you. I know I seem like a real gigolo, but actually I’m a little nervous because I’m a total virgin.

Lola: “At least I still have a p*ssy!”

“Why do you smell so good?” “Because I don’t use deodorant and I only take bhubble bayths.”

lola from big mouth quotes

Barbara : You could have been lured into an electronics store by a pushy Israeli and forced to buy a camera you don’t want.

Lola: “J is for Jessi, the girl everyone loves.” “

Andrew: *wakes up after wet dream* Ugh, it’s everywhere, it’s in between my God Damn toes

Maury:  Hey man I got a medical emergency so I gotta bounce. Jack off twice and page me in the morning.

Jay: How long is the gestational period of a human-pillow hybrid?


More Big Mouth Quotes

  • “Hormones are raging monsters who live inside our bodies and convince us to ruin our lives.” – Andrew
  • “If I had a penny for every time I had to go along with some adult bullsh*t, I’d be able to afford my own therapist.” – Jessi
  • “Puberty is a labyrinth of horrors.” – Andrew
  • “Sometimes, when you’re feeling low, you just need to hang out in a pit of filth with your friends.” – Nick
  • “I may be emotionally broken, but my personality isn’t.” – Jay
  • “Love is not a real thing. It’s just a chemical reaction in your brain that compels animals to mate.” – Connie
  • “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I supposed to apologize for the fact that I’m horny?” – Coach Steve
  • “Do you know how many girls I’ve dated who’ve had braces? Zero. They don’t go for me, bro. I’m not a braces guy. And I’m fine with that.” – Jay
  • “We’re all just sacks of wet meat hurtling towards death, so do whatever you want.” – Missy
  • “The hardest part about having divorced parents isn’t the not having two Christmases; it’s the two separate dinners when you’re starting to get a little chunky.” – Andrew
  • “Being an adult means you’re constantly disappointing yourself and everyone around you.” – Nick
  • “Puberty is like a monster who has just become your roommate and he’s a terrible roommate. He leaves his sh*t everywhere.” – Andrew
  • “I’m just like the herpes of friends. I’m always here, and I never go away.” – Matthew
  • “Girls are like clouds. Once they go away, it’s a sunny day.” – Jay
  • “What am I? Just a fleshy puppet for you to toss around while you control me with your wishes and whims?” – Maurice

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