
10 less known interesting details about La Casa de Papel

We have prepared a list of 10 less known interesting details about La Casa de Papel that became popular all around the world.

Less known interesting details about La Casa de Papel

Here are 10 less known interesting details about La Casa de Papel that has a huge fanbase and became one of the legendary productions with its heist concept.

La Casa de Papel was actually finalized

Although most people believe that La Casa de Papel is a Netflix original, the TV series was aired on Antena 3 channel in Spain. The TV series was first aired on May 2017 and the pilot episode was viewed by 4.5 million people. But the things didn’t go well for the next episodes and the series experienced an incredible fall.

After this failure, the production team changed their mind about season two. In that time, lead actors such as Alba Flores and Alvaro Morte even broadcasted a goodbye message. But Netflix later believed in the success of this project and bought the digital right of broadcasting of this failed TV series.

The platform significantly increased the budget and commissioned new episodes. And we all know the rest. La Casa de Papel became one of the legendary productions of Netflix.

It is the most watched Netflix content in 6 countries

Netflix took a huge risk to buy the TV series and quickly ripped what it sawed. La Casa de Papel that became popular around the world and in our country became the most streamed Netflix content in France, Italy, Chile, Portugal, Brazil and Argentina.

The name was different at the beginning

The producer Alex Pina decided to call the TV show “Los Desahuciados” which means alienated individuals since the characters in the show enabled to blend in to social life. But the name of the TV show was changed into La Casa de Papel with the idea to heist the Spanish Royal Mint.

Netflix that purchased the TV show and targeted for the international audience added the “Money Heist” name to the show. Currently, the TV show is released with La Casa de Papel and Money Heist names in different markets.

The producers asked the actors who auditioned for Denver to laugh

Denver’s interesting laugh that integrated with the TV series was actually a part of the plot. Moreover, the production team asked the actors auditioning for this role to laugh which they expressed as absurd laughs in the screenplay. With that Jaime Lorente manage to get the Denver role with his acting and absurd laugh.

All members would have a terminal illness

As you can remember the Professor choose the gang members for their talents. But the production team first wanted all gang members to have a terminal illness. Therefore, the members would have nothing to lose and entirely focus on the heist.

However, the production team believed that this would have a negative impact on the audience and completely changed their plans other than the Berlin character. As a result, Berlin appeared as the character who has nothing to lose.

The screenplay was written during shooting

Normally, the screenplay of a TV show is written long before the shooting and the cast works on that screenplay. But this is not valid for La Casa de Papel. The writers wrote the screenplay during the shooting. When we think about the clever plan of the Professor and all the moves to throw a curve for the Spanish police, we need to congratulate the writers.

The interesting reason to name the characters after city names

The entire gang has aliases after city names which are selected by the Professor. The reason for this is to prevent revealing the identities of the gang during the heist. Well, how did the producers think about using city names for aliases?

This coincidental idea came into Alex Pina’s mind when someone wore a Tokyo t-shirt to a meeting. As a result, Tokyo is selected as the first city name and the others like Berlin, Moscow, Denver and Rio came out.

Famous football layer Neymar took part in the TV series

Various celebrities took part in the TV show as the show became popular around the world. And one of these celebrities is the famous football player Neymar da Silva from PSG. The football player played a monk in the 3rd episode of season 2.

There were serious problems shooting two scenes

The production team experienced serious problems when shooting two scenes. The first scene was when the Professor poured money from a zeppelin to the people of Madrid. This scene was shot numerous times due to weather conditions and hundreds of papers looking like money are poured to the streets of Madrid.

The second one was when Denver scuba dived to a safe filled with water. For this scene, the production team build the safe inside the bank to a special shooting tank in the United Kingdom. In addition to that, the bullion you can see in these scenes were made from foam. But these foams started to float due to their structures.

The production team decided to fix the foam as these foams floated. But this time the foams disintegrated because of the pressure. But the audience didn’t see that thanks to visual effects.

Did you know the Professor had another alias?

Did you know Sergio Marquina who is called the Professor has another alias? Although we do not see the character, Marquina that uses the name Vatican in the TV show says the name is unique like Professor and has a great power around the world.

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